Return policy
Attention! Keep in mind before contacting us about warranties know that we are aware warranty scams that include requests to replace product with counterfeit cherubs without having device to exchange. Fraudulent claims will be reported to authorities, which would entail prosecution entire rigor law.
Return conditions
Return product is possible within 14 days from date purchase
Return process
1. Print and complete return application
2. Send Ukrpost product and package documents: completed application for return, copy first page passport, copy TIN, sales receipt to address:
DNEPR, New Post Branch 63, recipient LLC "Go Ji Pi We Ukraine", Phone 0676340895
3. Get money by mail transfer
In case return product proper quality, we assume costs shipping product back to us.
Return product proper quality is possible only on condition preservation its consumer properties and commercial kind (absence traces exploitation and socks, presence original and undamaged packing and labels).
Refund is made on basis completed application and receipt confirming fact and terms purchase.
Repayment term is up to 10 days from date receipt returned product to Seller's warehouse together with Buyer's return statement.
Warranty Information for specific model provided by manufacturer is attached to product.